Bio FUE(Follicular Unit Extraction)

At Dermatrichs, our hair transplant skin specialist in Kanpur offers Bio FUE, a cutting-edge hair transplant technique. Using imported punches, our skilled specialists extract hair follicular units quickly and effectively, minimising damage to both the follicles and the surrounding area. 


  • It is a relatively quick and inexpensive procedure compared to FUT. 
  • Minimally invasive restoration surgery.
  • The cost of the treatment may vary based on the location or the client’s stage of baldness. Thus, only choose a trusted & a cost effective clinic like Dermatrichs.

Restraints in FUE

Our dermatologist in Kanpur recommends that patients on anticoagulants, bleeding tendencies and some scarring alopecia allergic conditions should go ahead with this kind of hair transplant cautiously.

Bio FUE(Follicular Unit Extraction)

MDFI(Maximum Density Follicular Implant)

MDFI includes the implantation of follicular units to guarantee greater follicle germination(which is around 40+ follicles per square centimetre) and maximal scalp coverage. Our experienced skin doctor in Kanpur ensures outstanding outcomes.

MDFI(Maximum Density Follicular Implant)

Advantages of MDFI Treatment

  • Minimally invasive and virtually painless. 
  • Gives very natural looking results.
  • No bleeding or scarring
  • Reduced healing time at the donor site
  • Less follicle damage during harvest
  • Early recovery for the person. 

Hairline transplant

Are you suffering from hair thinning or loss at the hairline? Our hairline transplant procedure can help you regain a more youthful appearance.

Male Pattern Baldness

  • Hair thinning at the hairline, gradually  progressing to hair loss over the crown of the head. 
  • This treatment requires some medicines to maintain results.

Female Pattern Baldness

  • Hair thinning in women often starts as a widening of the centre hair part that leaves the front hairline unaffected. 
  • Our dermatologists advise only medical treatment for female pattern baldness.


According to our dermatologists, although hair follicles continue to produce new hair, it takes about three months to notice new growth after a month of hair loss. The hair will then carry on growing in a natural, cyclical pattern. It will take 8 to 9 months to reach full density.

PRP Miracle at dermatrichs clinic kanpur

Scalp Hair Rejuvenation with PRP

Scalp hair rejuvenation with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a revolutionary new treatment for improving the health and appearance of scalp hair. This non-surgical procedure uses the patient’s own blood to create a concentrated form of platelets, which contain a powerful mixture of growth factors and other proteins that stimulate scalp hair growth. Our experienced skin specialist in Kanpur, Dr Paratibha ensures best treatment and required care. Visit her for the quality hair transplant in Kanpur.


  • It is non-surgical, which means it does not involve hair transplantation.
  • Stimulates hair growth.
  • Reduced hair shedding.
  • Improves hair thickness.
  • Safe and Effective way to restore hair in areas that are affected by low-grade alopecia.

Facial Hair Transplant (Moustache or Beard Shaping)

If you desire a fuller beard or moustache, our facial hair transplant procedure can help. Our hair transplant skin doctor in Kanpur harvest healthy donor hairs from the scalp and transplant them to areas of facial skin with sparse or thin hair growth.


  • Hair transplant on scar tissue is possible.
  • Recovery time depends on the size and number of facial hair transplants performed, but results can be seen in as little as two to three months. 

Eyebrow Transplant

If you are discontented with the lack of definition in your eyebrows, suffering from some medical conditions that caused your eyebrow hair to become very thin or even disappear, or if you wish to undo a previous laser hair removal procedure that resulted in losing the thickness or visibility of your eyebrows, with the help of an eyebrow transplant, you can once again have eyebrows that look completely natural.

Eyebrow Transplant

Doctors suggestions: Before your Eyebrow Transplant

  • On the day of surgery, wash and clean your face well and avoid makeup. 
  • You should avoid contact lenses before or after surgery.

Eyelash Transplant

Eyelash transplant surgery is a restoration procedure that helps to restore eyebrow hair loss or thinning caused by ageing, genetics, trauma, and medications. and it delivers more long-lasting results for sparse lashes than lifts and extensions.


  • Despite what it might appear like, it is a non-scary and painless procedure..
  • Procedure requires very less time when it’s done by an expert .
  • It gives a naturally refreshed and youthful look.
  • Delivers more long-lasting results for sparse lashes than lifts and extensions.
Eyelash Transplant

Hair Transplant Repair

Hair transplant repair is commonly used to repair hair transplant procedures that have gone wrong, such as hair transplants that have resulted in unnatural looking hair growth. Our hair transplant experts at Dermatrichs, ensure best results as per client’s need to make them feel more confident in themselves.

Hair Transplant Repair


  • It helps to restore a natural hairline.
  • Improved hair density.
  • Enhanced hair growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bio FUE is a cutting-edge hair transplant technique offered by our skilled dermatologist in Kanpur, using imported punches to extract hair follicular units quickly and effectively, minimising damage to the follicles and surrounding area.

The advantages of Bio FUE, performed by our hair transplant skin doctor in Kanpur, include being a relatively quick and inexpensive procedure compared to FUT, as well as being minimally invasive.

Patients on anticoagulants, with bleeding tendencies, or certain allergic conditions should proceed with FUE cautiously, as recommended by our dermatologist in Kanpur.

MDFI, performed by our experienced skin doctor in Kanpur, involves implanting follicular units to ensure greater follicle germination and maximal scalp coverage.

The advantages of MDFI treatment, provided by our experienced skin doctor in Kanpur, include being minimally invasive, virtually painless, and providing natural-looking results with reduced healing time and less follicle damage.

Yes, our hairline transplant procedure, performed by our hair transplant skin doctor in Kanpur, can help individuals suffering from hair thinning or loss at the hairline by restoring a more youthful appearance.

Male pattern baldness, diagnosed by our skin specialist in Kanpur, is characterised by hair thinning at the hairline, gradually progressing to hair loss over the crown of the head. It may require ongoing medication for maintaining results.

Female pattern baldness, evaluated by our dermatologists in Kanpur, typically involves hair thinning that starts as a widening of the centre hair part, leaving the front hairline unaffected. Our dermatologists advise medical treatment for female pattern baldness.

Scalp hair rejuvenation with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), performed by our experienced skin doctor in Kanpur, is a non-surgical treatment that stimulates hair growth using the patient’s own blood, resulting in improved hair thickness and reduced shedding.

No, it’s not. Eyelash transplant is a painless procedure as the area is numbed before starting.

Yes, our facial hair transplant procedure, performed by our hair transplant specialist in Kanpur, can help by harvesting healthy donor hairs from the scalp and transplanting them to areas with sparse or thin facial hair growth.